guideline-for-authors Guideline For Authors
1. The title of the article should be bold, centered and type in capital letters in 14 point Times New Roman Font.
2. The author details should be 12 point Times New Roman Font in capital letters accordingly- full name » subject » designation » postal address with pin code » email with alternate email if any » mobile/landline phone numbers.
1. All manuscripts must be accompanied by a brief abstract. Abstract including key words must not exceed 500 words. It should be in fully justified and italicized text. It should highlight research background, methodology, major finding and conclusion in brief.
2. Author must mention 4 to 6 keywords. Key words should be listed alphabetically, separated by commas and full stop at the end.
1. Language: We only accept the manuscript written in English. Author can use both American and British version of English, but not mixture.
2. Length of Paper: The manuscript should not exceed 5000 words (Five thousand) and length of the paper should not exceed 20-30 pages.
3. Manuscript: Manuscript typed in 12 point-Times New Roman with single space and single column on standard A4 size paper. Must not uncommon font.
4. Heading: All heading must be bold-faced, sentance case type, aligned left with 12 point-Times New Roman and sub-heading in 10 point  aligned left.
5. Article Title: It should be informative reflecting true sense of the manuscript and within three lines. Research Paper must have 5 to 10 keywords.
6. Figures and Tables: The title must be above the table and source of data should be mentioned below the figures and tables. Figures and tables should be centered and separately numbered. The authors should make sure that table and figures are referred to from the main text.
7. Photographs: Image files should be optimized to the minimum possible size without compromising the quality. Must be JPG and PNG format.
8. Equation: All the equations used in research paper or article should be consecutively numbered in parentheses, horizontally centered with equation number placed at the right.
9. References: Please make sure that every reference cited in the text must also be presented in the reference list and vice versa. The author is responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic citations. Reference should be in this order-
o For Book- Surname of the Author » Name of the Author » Year within bracket » Name of the Book » Name of the chapter » Edition no. » Publishers » Publication place » Page no.
o For Journal- Surname of the Author » Name of the Author » Year within bracket » Name of the journal » Name of the Topic » Page no.
o For Conference paper- Surname of the Author » Name of the Author » Year within bracket » Name of the conference » Name of the Paper » Page no.
                                               Please do not include personal communications and unpublished work in the reference list.
10. Acknowledgement: Acknowledgement of any funding sources, if any should be included at the end of the paper. This should not exceed 500 Words.
Please visit publish paper for manuscript preparation