Suadat Hussain Wani*M. Afzal Mir** PDF
Liberalization around the world from last couple of decades has led to increase in trade between different countries. Many factors like common language, culture, tradition and comparative advantage have contributed to rapid growth of trade around the World. Like other countries India and Iran have taken many steps to improve their bilateral trade. The rapid growth and increased energy demand in India and Iran’s attempt to improve trade relations with neighbouring countries have led to enhanced trade between these countries. The increased trade volume can be contributed to imports to Iran than exports from India which has led to huge trade deficit of latter. The present study attempts to analyze comparative advantage of India so that in long run trade deficit can be minimized if not eliminated completely. The trade according to comparative advantage can lead to efficient utilization of resources and economic growth over the period of time.
1Harpreet Kambir 2Ajjal Singh PDF
In the present study, patients with liver diseases either due to alcohol or without alcohol compared with a group of normal healthy persons. Heavy drinkers showed significantly lower body weight and percent body fat, and low BMI compared with other groups. The percentage of hemoglobin and total number of RBC were found to be significantly decreased, whereas mean corpuscular volume significantly increased in alcoholic liver disease. However, no significant variation in either of the groups tested was observed in case of polymorphonuclear cells, lymphocytes, eosinophil and ESR values. Alcohol-induced liver injury is linked to oxidative stress as observed by decreased level of reduced glutathione and increased level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. Alanine amino transferase (ALT) and aspartate amino transferase (AST) are present in high concentration in hepatocytes. These enzymes leak into the circulation when hepatocytes or their cell membranes are damaged. Moderately elevated level of ALP and high GGT values are good discriminator of alcoholic patients. All these parameters in combinations may be useful indicator for identification and determination of severity of alcoholic liver diseases.
Mr. Braja Kishore Sahoo PDF
Today the rational use of land has great importance due to growth of population, as well as the increasing demand of food grain. The importance that the question has gained today is the consequence of years of socio-economic development and of a new agriculture order and the generation of new agrarian surpluses. Jalpaiguri is poised for further and rapid advance into a new phase of industrial modernization, urbanization and diversification into different forms of non agriculture economic activity. In the permanently settled parganas of the district most of the available land is under cultivation and there is not much room for extension. This paper will show us the land use pattern of the district as well as its further recommendation.
Sajid Ahmad, Ajmal khan PDF
The problem under study was to know about the perceptions of Administrators and Teachers towards inclusive education in boy’s primary schools of district Peshawar KP, Pakistan. The study was descriptive in nature. The population of the study comprised administrators(Headmaster, DEOs, ADEOs, and circle in charge) andallboys’ primary school teachers in district Peshawar of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A sample of the 238 administrators and 346teachers was selected through random sampling with the help of raosoft sampling calculator. The main objectives of the study were; to find out the perceptions of administrators and primary school teacher towards inclusive education; to explore the effect of inclusive education on the life of children with disabilities and to identify difference between the perceptions of administrators and teacher A self-made questionnaire was used as data collection tool, having five point likert scales by descriptive analysis, and inferential analysisconsisting of independent T-test were used to summarize the responses .Analysis revealed that majority (78.6%) of respondents were in favor of inclusive education &Both findings and conclusion indicate that there is no difference found between the perceptions of administrators and teachers towards inclusive education & both were favor of inclusive education It was recommended that for effective implementation of inclusive education in-service teacher programs and arranging of seminars and conferences on inclusive education to improve their knowledge about ways of practicing and accepting inclusion for a better tomorrow for our Children with disabilities
Umoh, Suzanna Mark PDF
There has been much concern by the Cross River State government, educationists, NGOs and international communities about the quality of environment today. Prompted by such concern, this study who sepurpose was to analyze some series of JSS1-3 secondary English textbooks used in Cross River State, Nigeriawas undertaken to determine the level of environmental awareness found in them. The textbooks used for this study were New Oxford Secondary English Course 1-3, New Concept English for Junior Secondary Schools 1-3, Communicative English for Junior Secondary Schools 1-3, Junior English project for Junior Secondary Schools 1-3, Brilliant English for Junior Secondary Schools 1-3, English network for Junior Secondary Schools 1-3, English Studies Junior English Today 1-3, Intensive English for Junior Secondary Schools 1-3, Extensive Modern English for Junior Secondary Schools 1-3. The books were purposely selected because they are used in most public secondary schools in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. To this end, the levels of awareness were looked at under biotic, neutral, social and abiotic aspects. Two research questions guided the study. Data collected from each of the books were calculated using simple percentage technique. The findings showed that, there was reflection of all the four levels of awareness but not in a desirable ratio. Emphasis was placed mostly on the abiotic environment. The study concluded that, the practice of encouraging or emphasizing only the social and abiotic level of awareness does not augur well for the proper creation of environmental awareness. The researchers expressed the need to identify every aspect of the different environments that agrees with the ethics of conservation of our environment and the resources therein for the sake of sustainability as stipulated in goal 13 of sustainable development goals.
Manotar Tampubolon PDF
Even though Ugamo Malim (Malim Religion) is the original religion of the Batak ancestor in Indonesia, most Batak people have abandoned it and converted to the imported religions such as Christian and Islam. Ugamo Malim is considered not to believe in God are only spirit (Mula Jadi Nabolon) worshipers. Due to state recognition of religion is categorical requirements in Indonesia, it loses the opportunity to gain legal identity, employment, and opportunities as civil servants. Indeed, Law No. 1 PNPS 1965 on Blasphemy Law excludes Ugamo Malim as one of Indonesia's official religions, except Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. This article is socio-legal research, discusses discrimination and rights violations of the Ugamo Malim from minority and discrimination theories by using related legal material to discuss the problems. The author argues that the legal framework's inefficiency in protecting its identity and analyzing whether this cultural identity will disappear and warn minorities in the future
Aadilmohd Akhoon PDF
The present study was conducted to find the level of Educational anxiety among senior secondary school students. In order to obtain accurate and relevant data descriptive survey method and stratified random sampling technique was used in the present study. The sample size of the study was 202 senior secondary school students from Baramulla district of Kashmir. In order to collect data for the study scale on Educational anxiety by VishalSood and Arti Anand (2015) was used. The objective of the study was to analyze the level of educational anxiety and to find the differences inEducational anxiety with respect to gender and type of school. Null hypothesis were framed in order to test the objectives. Statistical techniques like mean, percentage, standard deviation and t-test were used. The results of the study revealed that maximum of the senior secondary school students are having average level of test anxiety andaverage level ofacademic anxiety. There is no significant difference between male and female senior secondary school students in their academic and educational anxiety, but there is significant difference between male and female senior secondary school students in test anxiety. Male reported high level of test anxiety as compared to female. It was also found that there is significant difference between government and private senior secondary school students in test anxiety and academic anxiety.
Mr. Mohan Pathak Mr. Jonison Daulagajau PDF
Media is considered as fourth pillar of democracy. It plays an important role in bringing the voice of the public to the Government. Apart from this, it is also a strong weapon which helps to expose all kind of wrongdoings of the Government and make the Government responsible and accountable towards the public. At the time of any crisis or emergency, the media helps people by providing reliable and authentic information as well as putting pressure on the Government to work for the victims. But it has been seen that after the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, the media community of the entire world have been facing different kind of challenges which directly harm their right to expression. The many developed as well as developing countries imposing restrictions over the media to hide their drawbacks from the people. It is reported by Reporters without Borders, 38 countries around the world restricted the freedom of the Press, the reporters are facing verbal attacks in countries like the USA and Brazil, and moreover, some journalists have been arrested in Algeria, Jordan, and Zimbabwe. Therefore, this study is an attempt to explore the different challenges facing by media that harm their freedom during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study is descriptive and analytical and based on secondary sources of data.
C. Neela Devi PDF
Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902), the ideal speaker for Hinduism is well-known globally for his spiritual wisdom of Hindu religion. Among the modern Indian religion reformers, Vivekananda argued for equality of men and women. Because, educating women was the most important way of salvation for India according to Swamiji. Education develops thought capacity and enhances creativeness through awakening women on the value of their own humanity and enabling them to strive for distinction denied by patriarchal cultural norms and backward traditions. Swami Vivekananda is the first monk to uphold and do work for freedom and equality of women and realized the importance of women for the society as well as the nation. He identified that the ignorance of women was the main hindrance for the progress of India. He insisted that women should be put in the position of power to solve their own problem in their own way and this cannot be possible without education. He engaged throughout his life for the development of women education. His objective of education is man making and character building– these principles also applied in field of women education. His educational perspective is based on applied Vedanta and western culture. Thinking the different social status Swamiji prepared different curriculum for the women. He also said mother tongue is the best medium for the social and mass education. In the post independent India, still women are still suffering from many chronic problems such as physical, social, political, cultural, economical etc. In the present paper, the author tries to clearly show the thoughts and ideas of Swami Vivekananda’s regarding women education and also tries to present his views with the present scenario.
Dr. P. K. Muthukumar PDF
Aims: The study analyzed the social support available of the parents of children with intellectual disability. This study used a descriptive approach with a cross-sectional approach. This study aimed to identify and explore social support in parents with intellectual disabilities children in Cuddulore district, Tamilnadu. Methods: The samples studied were 81 parents as a primary caregiver and lived with intellectual disabilities children, taken by purposive sampling. Social support was measured using a Social Support Questionnaire that had been modified and developed using Sarafino theory with alpha Cronbach values of 0.728. The questionnaire includes the domain of emotional support, instrumental support, informational support, and award/assessment support. Results: The data indicated that parents mostly have social support in high categories (70.4%). Among them; that majority (93.8%) of the respondents received support from a spouse (husband/ wife); 71.6 per cent of respondents received support from parents (grandparents of intellectual disabilities children). Then 67.9 per cent of parents perceived support from friends (fellow parents of children with intellectual disability).Conclusion: It can be concluded that the present study exhibited that the parents of children perceived social support from spouses, family, friends, peer groups and other health workers. Parents need more support for access to health information, praise or appreciation from those around them and professionals. Suggestion: So, the study suggested that the general public also should need to support to the parents of children with disability.
Yibekal Assefa Gezahegn PDF
The main objective of this article is to investigate the life of street children in North Wollo zone urban areas particularly in Woldia town. The study employed qualitative approach and used expert and purposive sampling techniques to select respondents. Relevant data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. The study finding showed thatpoverty, death of parents, family breakdown, parental exploitation, conflict with parent, work seeking, peer pressure, and mental problems are major causes for street life in the study area. The other main causes are displacement due to ethnic conflict, the presence of many children in a family, disobedient of children and hopelessness. The study result also revealed thatverbal and physical abuse, difficulty to access food, getting in to accidents, psychological disturbance, immersing in various addictions, facing discrimination due to COVID-19, the presence of low work opportunity and police harassment arethe main challenges that the street children have encountered in the town.The findings identified thatcarrying luggage, engaging in shoeshine, involve in street vending, begging and gambling are the main strategies to cope up the above mentioned adversities.It seems possible to conclude that the street children have led miserable life in the study town.To minimize and alleviate these problems the concerned bodies should work on changing the socio-economic life of street children in the town.
1 Yakmut, Al-Hassan Saleh, 2 Owa, Funmilola Temitope 3Abubakar, Idris Ayokanmi PDF
The vast North West’s weakly regulated stretch of 1,497km international land border with Sahelian countries; a conduit for proliferation of arms, transnational terrorism, human trafficking drug trafficking, jihadist incursion, has found a nexus with North West region of Nigeria whose poverty indicators, unabated tension between sedentary Hausa farmer and the nomadic Fulani herders. All these are predictors for kidnapping, armed banditry, gang raping, village and markets raids, which are done with reckless abandonment while the already overwhelmed law enforcement agencies battle to no end even as economic diplomacy, peace, socialization and political stability of the country remain extensively threatened and at its lowest ebb. It is in an effort to outthink this overwhelming background that this study sets out to examines, using the state fragility theory, the tackling insurgency through policing strategy and techno driven surveillance as an approach for the North West, Nigeria. The study engaged survey research design and purposive sampling technique to obtain relevant data from law enforcement agencies and civil society involve in prosecuting the war against terror in North West of Nigeria. Findings from the study showed that a change in policing strategy from the present armchair, reactive and combative policing strategy to Intelligence Led policing strategy and deployment of techno driven surveillance has positive and significant effect in tackling insurgency, Jihadism incursions, crime and criminalities in the North West of Nigeria.
Vijitha Raj V S1, G Jasmine Joy Bell2, Dr . Arya M S3 PDF
The study was a cross-sectional observational study by using a self-administered questionnaire. The study was carried out for duration of 6 months within the community pharmacies of Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala. In our study a total 120 community pharmacists were contacted and requested to fill out the questionnaire through the direct visit of each community pharmacy. Out of these respondents 71(60.2%) were females and 47(38.9%) were males. The age group 30-39 years constituted the highest proportion (39.8%). A total of 84 out of the 118 community pharmacist are never dispensed antibiotic without a prescription. Regarding the type of antibiotics the pharmacist would really dispensed to a patient suffering from suspected bacterial infection without a prescription. Penicillin (42.6%) was the most selected class antibiotic followed by Macrolides (29.2%) and Cephalosporin (17.3%). We found no statistical significance between age, sex, qualification and experience with knowledge, attitude and practice scores. Our study finding shows that community pharmacists of Thiruvananthapuram district of South Kerala majority have excellent scoring in knowledge and very good attitude and practice scoring. In our study there was no association was seen between knowledge, attitude and practice scoring with age, sex, qualification and year of experience and the main reason for dispensing antibiotics without prescription is that pharmacists have good awareness about antibiotic use. It was also found that lack of attitude scoring is due to lack of knowledge of community pharmacist antibiotic use and resistance and penicillin are most commonly dispensed antibiotics without prescription.
Vinayak Jagtap Parag Kulkarni PDF
While describing a game, details of game moves in a commentary are not considered, which loses the data. Due to lack of expertise in writing or narrating the game, surprises cannot be revealed completely which loses the interest of game abstract description. The actual spectator has more information about surprises, gameplay, and game conditions in his/her observation of the game. The surprise-based abstraction of the game represents more information than other descriptions. The writer's perspective, reader’s perspective, and viewer’s perspectives are different which has more information; each one having its perspective for the game surprises. The unrevealed surprises can be mined from each perspective which might create interest in the description. Existing statistical models do not cover these perspectives and surprises. An abstraction of these multi-perspective surprises is proposed in this paper. The surprises are calculated with the help of event uncertainty in the game. The surprising similarity can be measured for various games which can help to decide the game plan, strategy, player style, team psychology. The surprising similarity can be measured with the help of uncertain events in times series of surprises. The surprise-based similarity is compared with the time series similarity measures. The surprise-based similarity game comparison has improved. The surprises can also be revealed in other time-series data like stock market data, network traffic data, etc.
Mohammed Ahmed 1; Abebe Ejigu2; Habtamu Endris3 PDF
This study focusses on examines range of Ethiopian economic liberalization and its contribution to privatized manufacturing firms in relation to export performance. To achieve these objectives, both primary and secondary data used. Cross-sectional data collected from 114 fully privatized manufacturing firms through key informant approaches. Seven scaled structured questionaries’ were use and analyzed by using Structural equation modeling (SEM). The model tells that all the predicting variables in the hypothesized model were significant at p < 0.05 and this shows that all constructs of privatization affects export performances under all competitive priority. The latent variables, law and order (P= 0.000), incentive shames (P= 0.000), trade openness (P= 0.001), significantly affect export performance. The finding shows that economic liberalization stimulates export performance under firm’s competitive priority an intervening role. The competitive priority of firms comprises cost, flexibility and quality priority. Those measures confine arouses export performance in terms of both quantitative (market share, profit) and subjective measures (export satisfaction) indicators. The extent of law and order (LaO), commitment towards financial and non-financial incentives (InsS) and the overall trade openness (TraO) use as liberalization indicator. In addition, evidence revealed that a more competitive priority of firms (cost, flexibility, and quality) determine export performance and competitiveness in international market.
Uma Ganguly PDF
In the modern world of 21st century, especially in the pandemic environment, humans are struggling for survival both physically and mentally in day-today life. Human life is a highly responsible and dignified one. The present age has seen a tremendous/exponential growth in scientific advancement and technology in the data and knowledge world. Accordingly life style changes and transitions are taking its own route in an astounding mode among the younger generations especially Gen Z. Each and everyone in the society are able to witness a mixture of timesaving gadgets and practices for comfort and convenient living without knowing and realizing the values of human. In this situation, one can able to hear a buzz or magic word ‘Yoga’ from atleast one person in a family. This is due to the awareness about declaration came after adoption of June 21 as “International Day of Yoga” by our Indian Prime Minister during his address to UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014 and nearly 175 nations in the globe taken initiative to adopt and also initiated to include in their educational system as well. Our Bharath is the land of Sidhaas, Saints and Sages who are known for their infinite wisdom in terms of Yoga, Asanas and Meditation. Yogais one of the traditional methods that makes our body and soul effectively and rejuvenates our inner peace through self realization. This study focuses among the education community particularly Teachers of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to analyze statistically and scientificallyevaluate their effectiveness and impact of Yogic knowledge in their daily life including personal and professional life.
Anwesha Sen1 & Sushil Kumar2 PDF
There have been transformational changes across the Media Education industry especially after COVID-19 pandemic and the boom in E-learning platforms and skills. While Media studies have been a subject usually taught in classrooms (face to face learning), the recent changes in the education industry and the need for skill-based learning have given rise to students and teachers getting involved in e-learning. While courses are being available through platforms like Udemy, Coursera etc, colleges and universities also got involved in teaching courses in many different fields of media through the online course. While many studies were being done on students, research was necessary on the other stakeholders who are not only changing the industry but also were bringing in the change. The study aims to identify and understand the transformational changes in recent times and how e-learning has impacted the development of skills of students entering the Media industry in India using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The study focused on important stakeholders in the e-learning industry, media academia and the media industry in India who are also part of the change. The research was conducted with 30 experts from the e-learning, media academia and media industry using semi-structured interviews for the collection of data and information. The conclusions were categorized under seven subheads referred to as “superordinate themes” based on the answers of the experts.
Diwakar Kumar PDF
The paper examines the construct of luck and strong social network in the innovation process within societies. Whereas philosophy has a rich diversity of co-evolutionary work in progress to understand and integrate luck and technology generation in different spheres of social setting. The first part of this paper claims the imbedded knowledge systems that subsist within rural spaces of India. Which comes in the public domain after being resistant to the existing problem. Such knowledge corresponds to the development of agriculture technology at grassroot level, that shapes social view and affects daily living and facts. Therefore, explain the arrival of new capital technology impact on farmers in India for their income generation to innovations subjected to luck (Howitt, Violante, & Aghion, 2020)which depends on the context. It provides a fresh understanding of merit usefulness on the grounds of accomplishment and possibility of acknowledging those who have been fortunate in their concerned field of expertise. The second part of this paper discusses that at certain interval it is not mere luck that makes a person successful but the functioning Matthews effect (strong social network).
Sankar Rajeev Kumar PDF
The proposed research work is with the aim of analyzing the man power planning in Armed forces as specific to Indian environment. Methodology adopted is Thematic Appreciation. It is noticeable that a country likes India with large population and two neighbours always on the path of hostility compels for a large presence of men and women in uniform. Then such a decision is affecting the economic progress of the country. The aim of this paper is to analyze all these aspects and recommend a viable staffing in the Indian context, considering the vast resources the country has and the need for more efficiency. The findings will give an insight on to the relevance of practicable methods to deal with staffing in Indian armed forces and may serve as input in improving efficiency, ensuring transparency in social life and further research on the subject.
Dr.Chandrakumar Rathor PDF
The livestock sector is an important sub sector of the agriculture activities of Indian economy. It forms an important role of livelihood activities for most of the farmers, supporting agriculture in the form of critical inputs, contributing to the health and nutrition of the household, increasing incomes, offering employment opportunities. It can be leads to improvement of the rural development and growth of livelihoods, creation of employment and income, reduction of poverty, and upflipment of weaker section peoples in the rural areas.Forincreasing production, the key areas of livestock sector with growth opportunities inter aliainclude livestock development with new breeds, feed development, organized animal breedingservice, veterinary services, extension and training services, meat processing, cold storagefacilities, wool processing and cow urine processing and strategies to avoid problems related to diseases and reducing the cost of production of vaccines and medicines. The paper analysed that the growth and development of livestock population and its impact on rural economy.
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