Published Paper

Human Resource Planning in the Armed Forces: A Concept Paper

Sankar Rajeev Kumar

Page: 18-32
Published on: 2019 March


The proposed research work is with the aim of analyzing the man power planning in Armed forces as specific to Indian environment. Methodology adopted is Thematic Appreciation. It is noticeable that a country likes India with large population and two neighbours always on the path of hostility compels for a large presence of men and women in uniform. Then such a decision is affecting the economic progress of the country. The aim of this paper is to analyze all these aspects and recommend a viable staffing in the Indian context, considering the vast resources the country has and the need for more efficiency. The findings will give an insight on to the relevance of practicable methods to deal with staffing in Indian armed forces and may serve as input in improving efficiency, ensuring transparency in social life and further research on the subject.