Published Paper

Analytical Perspective on the Impact of Yogic Education among College Teachers

Uma Ganguly

Page: 61-68
Published on: 2025 February


In the modern world of 21st century, especially in the pandemic environment, humans are struggling for survival both physically and mentally in day-today life.  Human life is a highly responsible and dignified one.  The present age has seen a tremendous/exponential growth in scientific advancement and technology in the data and knowledge world. Accordingly life style changes and transitions are taking its own route in an astounding mode among the younger generations especially Gen Z.  Each and everyone in the society are able to witness a mixture of timesaving gadgets and practices for comfort and convenient living without knowing and realizing the values of human. In this situation, one can able to hear a buzz or magic word ‘Yoga’ from atleast one person in a family.  This is due to the awareness about declaration came after adoption of June 21 as “International Day of Yoga” by our Indian Prime Minister during his address to UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014 and nearly 175 nations in the globe taken initiative to adopt and also initiated to include in their educational system as well.  Our Bharath is the land of Sidhaas, Saints and Sages who are known for their infinite wisdom in terms of Yoga, Asanas and Meditation. Yogais one of the traditional methods that makes our body and soul effectively and rejuvenates our inner peace through self realization. This study focuses among the education community particularly Teachers of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to analyze statistically and scientificallyevaluate their effectiveness and impact of Yogic knowledge in their daily life including personal and professional life.