Published Paper

Impact o Covid-19 on Freedom of Media: A Critical Analysis

Mr. Mohan Pathak, Mr. Jonison Daulagajau

Page: 160-165
Published on: 2018 August


Media is considered as fourth pillar of democracy. It plays an important role in bringing the voice of the public to the Government. Apart from this, it is also a strong weapon which helps to expose all kind of wrongdoings of the Government and make the Government responsible and accountable towards the public. At the time of any crisis or emergency, the media helps people by providing reliable and authentic information as well as putting pressure on the Government to work for the victims. But it has been seen that after the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, the media community of the entire world have been facing different kind of challenges which directly harm their right to expression. The many developed as well as developing countries imposing restrictions over the media to hide their drawbacks from the people.  It is reported by Reporters without Borders, 38 countries around the world restricted the freedom of the Press, the reporters are facing verbal attacks in countries like the USA and Brazil, and moreover, some journalists have been arrested in Algeria, Jordan, and Zimbabwe. Therefore, this study is an attempt to explore the different challenges facing by media that harm their freedom during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study is descriptive and analytical and based on secondary sources of data.